Obey your elders

The day came when all the students of kindergarten school went on a picnic to local zoo with 2 of their teachers in a bus. “Nobody will wander far from teacher Joona. Do not feed anything to the animals..”, teacher Hobie gave few instructions to the students. All the children were happy to see theContinue reading “Obey your elders”

A Fake Friend is the biggest enemy

In a village of Shobangadh, there was a man who rared birds. He made an aviary for them to live. It was a large cage in which the birds could live and even fly around inside safely. Everyday, the man would feed them with fresh grains, nuts and water. One day, in the absence of theContinue reading “A Fake Friend is the biggest enemy”

Hard work beats talent when talent does not work hard.

Once there lived three pigs in a village. They were named Ji, Nam and Yoo.They were happy with their mother when one day they all decided to build their own houses.Their mother was happy that her children were getting responsible. Ji built a house of straw which was easy and quick to build.Na built aContinue reading “Hard work beats talent when talent does not work hard.”

You don’t need a reason to help people

Once there lived an orphan on the roads of Sarjanpur named Raanu. He would collect scraps to earn a living and lived on rags. One day while on his work he found that his worn-out shoe tore. He sat at a corner and tried to mend it himself. Just then he saw a boy ofContinue reading “You don’t need a reason to help people”

Yes! You Can Do This

Maapu was a little school girl who was shy and reserved. But she enjoyed playing football at school and with her neighbouring young boys. Her friends and classmates ridiculed Maapu for her interest in sports, as in their city no girls played football. ‘Why can’t girls play football ?’, she would ask for which nobodyContinue reading “Yes! You Can Do This”

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