Classroom Incivilities overruled

Manoj, Samprit, Pritam, and Mallayya were in class 4 at National school, Bhahargaun. These were the browbeating boys and a carefree team of troublemakers to their class teacher. Their class teacher had decided to teach them life lessons and bring discipline to them. That day when the class teacher entered the class, it was shockingContinue reading “Classroom Incivilities overruled”

Trees are our best friends

There once was a kid, Jimm who loved to play outside with his friends.“Come on JayKay, Hobi, Yoonji..Let’s play!!”, he would call them all after school. Due to sunny heat and pollution most of his friends would not join him to play outside. “It’s been a week now, why aren’t Jin, Hobi not joining toContinue reading “Trees are our best friends”

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