Eternal friend

Jimm and Jin were two boys living in the same city. They studied in the same school. They were not in the same class, nor were they studying the same subject and also it is not that they met each other daily. But destiny has its own plans. Jimm was older than Jin, so JinContinue reading “Eternal friend”

Captivating The Most Beautiful Moment in Life

Minnie observed Monie from behind him as Monie put a step ahead at tortoise speed, after school. Minnie and Monie were grade 9 students with thousands of thoughts captivating their minds, a load of stress of studies and career/future. But that was not the reason Monie had withdrawn himself from his regular routine. Minnie hadContinue reading “Captivating The Most Beautiful Moment in Life”

Being Gentle

Yeona was a differently behaved girl. She would not trouble her teachers and classmates but her teachers would get disturbed by her behaviour.She never talked in class but would make others to reply to her. ,”Pencil”.“No, I don’t have”.“Give”, she would insist.Her classmates would get annoyed by her bickering. In the middle of explanation, sheContinue reading “Being Gentle”

BOLT! A Halloween Short Story

I know it is only a belief and is not true scientifically that we are not alone in this world. But few things do creep us out to believe that we are not alone.A washroom visit at midnight is one such unavoidable creepy experience. While using, I prefer to leave the washroom door to unbolt,Continue reading “BOLT! A Halloween Short Story”

Good Deeds Are Seeds Of Generosity

JayKay was a 6 y/o boy, studying in grade 1. He was the only child of his parents. JayKay was a 6 y/o boy, studying in grade 1. He was the only child of his parents. This house was built by JayKay’s grandfather when they had lost their everything to a destructive floods 50 yearsContinue reading “Good Deeds Are Seeds Of Generosity”

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